Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Chris Henry Dead: What is Happening Today?

Chris Henry Dead: What is Happening Today?

Well before going any further about Chris Henry dead, I want to just catch your attention to this entry of Chris Henry DEAD? Death Report May Be Hoax
It seems that there is yet any kind of official confirmation. Many things are going on in Twitter Updates and perhaps it will take another few hours to get the accurate news regarding this matter. Anyway, this is the third death news that I am writing tonight in this blog. Fred Honsberger Death and Roy Disney died earlier today.
Chris Henry suffered a car accident and many people are worried about him right now.
If you do not know about this person, here is an extract from Wikiipedia:
Chris Henry (born May 17, 1983) is an American football wide receiver for the Cincinnati Bengals of the National Football League. He was drafted by the Bengals in the third round of the 2005 NFL Draft. He played college football at West Virginia.
Henry has been involved in a string of legal troubles during his professional career, which include several arrests for such offenses as driving under the influence, marijuana possession, assault, and criminal damaging. He was suspended for the first four games of the 2008 season. He was placed on injured reserve in November 2009, after suffering a broken forearm while making a 20 yard reception against the Baltimore Ravens.
On December 16, 2009, Henry was involved in an auto acccident where he fell out of the back of his fiancee's pickup truck during a domestic dispute with his fiancee [1] and suffered life-threatening injuries. [2]

Hopefully, we will get the correct news soon.

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