Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Iron Man 2 Trailer: A Furious Display of Awesome


Iron Man is back. And while I’m not exactly soiling myself over the first trailer for the sequel to Jon Favreau’s fantastic 2008 superhero flick, I am excited. And you should be, too.

In the first Iron Man 2 trailer — released this evening by Paramount Pictures via Apple — we see Robert Downey Jr. returning as Tony Stark, the now-outed billionaire who has built himself some sweet gear and a badass alter-persona in Iron Man. We also get an introduction to the man who will be after him, the vengeful Russian prisoner Ivan Vanko (Mickey Rourke), otherwise known as Whiplash. Scarlett Johansson shows up as Black Widow, if only briefly. Gwyneth Paltrow is back as the lovely and loyal Pepper Potts. And for the pièce de résistance for fans, we get a quick action shot of Iron Man fighting off what appears to be an army of robotic foes alongside his badass buddy War Machine (Don Cheadle).

Feast your eyes below, and don’t forget to mark Iron Man 2 on your calendar for May 7, 2010. Click over to to see the trailer in High Definition (highly recommended).

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1 comments: on "Iron Man 2 Trailer: A Furious Display of Awesome"

Anonymous said...

It's interesting to see just how pervasive digital memory has become in our lives. It seems like everywhere I turn, I see something with a card slot or USB jack, haha. I guess it makes sense though, considering how much cheaper memory has become as of late...

Ahhh, I shouldn't be moaning and groaning. I can't make it through a single day without using my R4 / R4i!

(Posted from Net3 for R4i Nintendo DS.)