Monday, December 14, 2009

Kourtney Kardashian Welcomes a Baby Boy’s another Kardashian to keep up with!

Kourtney Kardashian and her on-again boyfriend of two years, Scott Disick, have welcomed a baby boy.

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Mason Dash Disick — who weighed 7 lbs., 6 oz., and 19.5 inches — was born Monday morning in Los Angeles, according to E! News.

Kardashian, 30 and Disick, 26 — who briefly split last year after she accused him of cheating — have been looking forward to being parents ever since announcing they were expecting in August.

“We’re home every night looking at baby books and baby magazines,” Disick told Us this past fall. “I just want to stay home with her, enjoy her company, look at her stomach and be with her.”

Kardashian — who gained around 26 lbs. — said she didn’t even mind the way her body changed.

“I like seeing it,” she told Us. “I run around naked all day at home. I think it’s like a beautiful thing.

“I love being pregnant,” she added. “I feel like it’s going by too fast. It is the best thing that’s happened to me. It’s such a spiritual thing happening in your body, and it’s what your body is made for.” (Incidentally, she plans to shed the baby weight with QuickTrim.)

So what kind of mom will Kourtney be?

“I feel like you don’t want to be too much their friend, and you don’t want to be too strict,” she told Us. “My dad [the late Robert Kardashian] was always the perfect balance.”


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3 comments: on "Kourtney Kardashian Welcomes a Baby Boy"

weight loss said...

sure it's beutiful like her ..thanx 4 sharing

Asbestos HELP said...

“I love being pregnant,” rare to hear this nowdays

medical student said...

good news ..she seems to be very happy ..