Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Lil' Wayne and Eminem 'Drop the World;' Lyrics and new song

Lil' Wayne and Eminem 'Drop the World;' Audio available with lyrics
Lil' Wayne and Eminem 'Drop the World;' Audio available with lyrics
(AP Photo/Gary Malerba, file)
Lil' Wayne and Eminem have released their new single today titled "Drop the World," and the lyrics begin with Lil' Wayne appearing to both boast and be reflective.

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“I’ve got ice in my veins/Blood in my eyes/Hate in my heart/Love in my mind” raps Lil' Wayne on the new track.

This new single has fans wondering--is this the radio hit that will help Lil' Wayne's album finally get a release date? It's unknown, but Wayne's upcoming album "Rebirth" was once again been pushed back--from December 21st to sometime in 2010.

Eminem comes onto the track at roughly the 2:15 mark. For those who haven't heard "Drop the World," it's available for free download on Usershare.net.


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