Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Sarah Palin Goes Rogue, Scribbles Out John McCain's Name on Blue Visor

Is Sarah Palin going rogue? You betcha, and with a permanent marker this time! Check out what she just did to a nice John McCain 2008 campaign visor!

The former governor and last year's failed V.P. nominee is on vacation with her son Trig, her daughter Piper and her heterosexual spouse Todd in Hawaii.

Sarah chose to wear a visor from the '08 campaign, and for whatever reason, decided she didn't want to advertise the Republican on top of the ticket.

Check out her vote against John McCain ... scrawled with black ink:

Palin in HawaiiJohn McCain Who?!

Sarah Palin had no other visors around, but did have a marker.

In addition to the odd political non-statement emblazoned on her dome, Palin's t-shirt read "If you don’t love America, then why don’t you get the hell out."

Spoken like a true ambassador.

We apologize for a little good-natured ribbing at Sarah's expense. But even her supporters have to see the humor in (or at least scratch their heads at) this.

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