Amanda Knox, a former college student from Seattle, was on a trip with fellow student Meredith Kercher abroad in Europe more than 2 years ago. Since then, she’s been in Italy on trial and waiting for her verdict- is she guilty or innocent of murdering Meredith?
It’s been more than 10 months, but today is the final day that the trial will be held. Because of the way the courts work in Italy we will not only get to know her verdict but we will also get to know if she will spend the next 30 years behind bars.
There is a lot of speculation as to what occurred the night of the murder, here are some of the real facts from the trial:
- Amanda was in the middle of a drug-induced sexual assault.
- Meredith disliked Amanda, thinking she slept around too much and didn’t clean up after herself, and the hostility was mutual.
- The killers staged a clumsy burglary to make it look like someone had broken in the house to kill Meredith.
- Amanda accused a man of the murder who she knew to be innocent, Patrick Lumumba.
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