Sunday, December 6, 2009

Cori Rist alleged Tiger Woods 6th mistress PHOTO Rist is the alleged 6th mistress of Tiger Woods. News of Cori Rist broke less than 24 hours after that of Mindy Lawton, a diner waitress from Orlando. Who is this new alleged mistress that has surfaced? Is she blond? Brunette? Is she a cocktail waitress? Model? VIP hostess? Reality show participant?

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Unlike Mindy Lawton and Jaimee Grubbs, Cori Rist is staying quiet about the alleged affair. However, sources told the New York Daily News that Rist and Woods met at one of New Yorks nightclubs last year. They would hook up, and Tiger Woods would allegedly arrange to meet Cori Rist while he was on tour. After about 6 months, Rist started to feel like a “bird in a cage.”

Tiger didn’t introduce Rist to anyone except for a long-time buddy that claims Woods introduced his alleged mistress to him.

Cori Rist won’t comment on the claims, and neither would Tiger’s agent. Could it be that Cori Rist is speaking with an attorney about her “legal rights?”

Many people in the Mid-South have been following the Tiger Woods scandal closely. It’s like a never ending soap opera full of twists and turns. Although there aren’t many pictures of Cori Rist available, there is one MySpace photo. No more are available because her profile is locked.


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