Tuesday, December 15, 2009

H1N1 Vaccine Recall no Immediate Safety Risk

State officials have indicated that the swine flu or H1N1 vaccine that has been recalled voluntarily by the manufacturer, Sanofi-Aventis, does not cause any immediate safety risks, but the tests indicate that it is less potent than is required.

Maine Center for Disease Control Director Dr. Dora Anne Mills has said that the 800,000 doses of the recalled drug do not meet potency standards, and the recall involved four lots of pre-filled vaccine syringes for children ages 6 months to 35 months.

Although the company has recalled the drug, it is believed that it is harmful and children will not need to be revaccinated, but Mills also said that “They should, however, still receive planned booster vaccinations for H1N1.”

She also believes that all children under the age of 10 should get the recommended two doses of H1N1 vaccine approximately a month apart for the best immune response. Children that have only received one dose of the vaccine so far should still receive a second dose of the vaccine, she said.

Source: MPBN

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