Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Kid Cudi Dropped From Lady Gaga Tour After Punching Fan

Kid Cudi is out of a job, thanks to his furious fists! The “Day N’ Nite” rapper has been officially dropped from the Lady Gaga “Fame Monster” Tour days after he leapt from a Canadian stage and stormed into the audience to use one unlucky wallet-tossing concertgoer as a Rock’em Sock’em Robot.

Interscope Records tattles confirm that Cudi’s days of cruising with the “Poker Face” star are done — but won’t say explicitly if the decision to drop the hip-hop artist has anything to do with his publicized punching assault on a fan in Vancouver last weekend.

(Although that is the word on the streets….)

Michael Sharpe, the Canadian student socked by Cudi, has decided not to press charges. Kid Cudi will be replaced by Jason Derulo.


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