Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Melissa Rycroft Wedding Pictures

Melissa Rycroft Wedding Photos

Melissa Rycroft is a Bachelorette no longer. The former NFL cheerleader — jilted on the 13th season of ABC’s The Bachelor — tied the knot with sweetheart Tye Strickland in front of 200 friends and family members during a beach wedding in Isla de Mujeres, Mexico Dec. 12.

“I was fine, until ‘Here Comes the Bride’ started,” Melissa told In Touch Weekly “I think everything hit me at once. My dad started to walk down the aisle, and I just stopped him. I grabbed his arm, and I was like, ‘Hold on,’ and I started crying. And I saw Tye, and bless his heart, he had these big tears in his eyes too. It was very emotional. I locked eyes on him, and I didn’t take them off until the ceremony was over,” says the bride — who wore a white satin organza over satin Alfred Angelo design for the nups.

Tye told the magazine: “When I saw her, I just lost my breath — like I was in a football game and had the wind knocked out of me. I’ve never felt that way in my whole life, and I just couldn’t help it. She was the most gorgeous bride I’ve ever seen in my life, and it was amazing. It was absolutely perfect.”


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