Friday, December 4, 2009

Rachel Uchitel Stars in Tiger Woods' Threesome Dream

Tiger Woods is a freak and he's got a great imagination.

Tiger Woods text messages

Besides sexting Jaimee Grubbs that he's gonna wear her out when he sees her, he also sent Rachel Uchitel an email about having some threesome dream involving her and her former lovers Derek Jeter and David Boreanaz.

"I had a dream we were married and I was leading the tournament. I came home, excited to see you, and there you were in the bedroom getting f--ked by Derek and David [Boreanaz]. Some part of me thinks you would like that."

In the email Tiger sent he also said, "Now I can't get back to sleep. My body is tired, but my mind is awake. Need an Ambien." So he's emailing in the middle of the night that he had some threesome dream about two dudes pounding his chick? I didn't know he had all that horny-ness in him. It's kind of impressive.

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