Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Tiger Woods divorce could cost him £169 million

Tiger Woods decision to quit golf for the time being, while he try’s to sort out his domestic problems, may need to be re thought. According to claims today Elin Nordegren has called in California’s top divorce lawyer.

As we mentioned in a recent post, Elin is not a woman who will stand by her man in these circumstances, and could get up to £169 million of his fortune. Nordegren is thought to be meeting with attorney Sorrell Trope who has represented Nicole Kidman and Britney Spears in the past.

It is also mentioned that Elin may file for divorce in California, as the divorce law in Cali means there is an equal division of assets and property. This will then mean the pre-nup could be irrelevant and she would be entitled to half of the £337.5 million fortune. Nike has stood by Tiger Woods since this scandal has broken, however one of Nike’s competitors may have stepped in on the scandal, according to website TMZ who say that Elin is believed to be in talks with sportswear manufacturer Puma.

To read more on this story go to Do you think Elin is entitled to that much money? Let us know your thoughts.

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