Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Tiger Woods Latest Girlfriend: A Latest Girlfriend Doesn’t Affect Athlete of the Decade Award

Tiger Woods latest girlfriend: Tiger’s latest girlfriend scandal isn’t enough to stop the AP from deeming Tiger Woods the “Athlete of the Decade.” Even though the golfer has been wrapped up in a big scandal ever since his car accident on November 27, the Associated Press feels that he deserves the honor of becoming the Athlete of the Decade. Woods beat out Lance Armstrong, who came in second. One should wonder how Tiger’s latest girlfriend feels about that honor?

Approximately 150 editors of the Associated Press were involved in voting, which began before the current scandal broke out. Some individuals think that because of Tiger’s tumultuous private life, he shouldn’t have been awarded the honor.

We shouldn’t forget the thing that makes Tiger Woods great. It’s not his latest girlfriend, his wife, or his billion dollar empire. What makes Tiger Tiger is the golf course. There’s nothing that can take his raw talent away. Donald Trump said the following about the golfer when calling in to the Larry King Live show on CNN earlier this week:

He’s [Tiger] going through a very tough period of time. Who would have ever thought? His career was so perfectly manicured and managed, it was amazing. He really is a good guy. I know him and I like him and I respect him. And I wish to see him play golf. I mean, he is Rembrandt on canvas. You can’t take that canvas away. You know, it’s something that he should be doing
Tiger Woods is a 9 time Player of the Year in the PGA Tour, and has won 12 majors and over 60 victories internationally since 2000.
Other athletes up for the award included Michael Phelps, Lance Armstrong, Roger Federer, and other talented individuals.
Tiger Woods’ latest girlfriend (allegedly) is also the center of a media blitz. Theresa Rogers is in her 40’s and there’s allegations that she started having an affair with Woods before he married his wife Elin. Tiger Woods’ latest girlfriend was identified around the same time divorce rumors started running rampant.
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