In a strange turn of events and circumstances, Tiger Woods can at least smile about one thing in his life, and that is his accomplishments that have earned him the title ‘Athlete of the Decade.’
Despite the three-week sex scandal that is hanging over his head, Tiger Woods has beaten off competition from Lance Armstrong, who survived cancer to go on to win the Tour de France six times this last decade, and Tennis Grand Slam champion Roger Federer finished third.
Tiger Woods finished the ballot with 56 of the 142 votes cast by the Associated Press members, and more than half of the ballots were returned after the golfer had his car accident which then went on to a spiral of sex scandals that are still being released to this day.
You can’t argue that despite all the bad press, Woods has accomplished feats of near impossible stature, by winning more PGA Tour titles in one decade than all but four of golfs greatest ever players won in their careers.
Source: Associated Press
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