Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Theresa Rogers, Another Tiger Woods Mistress

http://www.radaronline.com/sites/default/files/photos/image_20091214/TR.jpgTheresa Rogers, a beauty with a home in Wellington, Florida, is the 14th mistress linked to Tiger Woods, RadarOnline.com is reporting exclusively.

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Theresa Rogers Pictures are the top search keyword as yet another mistress for Tiger Woods.

Tiger Woods might be feeling relaxed that he has apologized for his act on several girls and things will be fine soon, but let me tell you, he is absolutely wrong if he is thinking in this way;

Theresa Roger, the most senior and oldest mistress out of the list developed in last two weeks has jumped into the game for creating more problems and forcing Woods for more apologies.

Theresa Roger has been reported as Tiger Woods 14th Mistress. Here is the list of other mistresses of Tiger woods.

Sources tell RadarOnline.com that Rogers traveled with Tiger extensively during the past five years. She met him in various cities for sexual hookups. She is the only known woman who started sleeping with Tiger before he got married and continued after he wed Elin.

Theresa Rogers Picture from radaronline.com

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