Thursday, January 21, 2010

Tiger Woods' Marriage: Definitely Not Over!

Tiger Woods' scorned wife has not left him yet, according to new reports, and it looks like she may not do so anytime soon, if at all! Are he and Elin making it work?

The golfer's marriage is "definitely not over," a source says, and that's because he realized he was about to lose everything when his cheating ways were exposed.

After Elin Woods threatened to take their children away from him and move back to Sweden permanently, Tiger fought to stop her - and he has, at least for now.

"Elin could have filed for divorce already but she hasn't," the source added.

"Of course, she has not indicated definitively that she planning on staying with Tiger, but what's happening now is crucially important."

What's happening now is Tiger is in sex addiction rehab in Mississippi.

Elin and Tiger Pic

The Woods' troubles are well-documented, but they're working it out!

While Elin is no longer wearing her wedding ring, she's canceled plans to file divorce papers after Tiger pleaded that he would do what it takes to make things work.

The threat of Elin taking their two young children and moving back to Sweden went a long way to convincing Tiger to go to rehab, where Elin has not been yet.

She may visit him there as part of his rehabilitation process, however. Tiger's program calls for her to spend seven full days of counseling with him in the facility.

After Tiger's affair with Rachel Uchitel was outed by the National Enquirer, he was linked to at least a dozen mistresses and his secret double life was exposed.

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