Wednesday, December 2, 2009

A Full Moon Over Wisconsin

A Full Moon Over Wisconsin

Shedd's Spot reporter "J.D." submitted this a while back. Unfortunately, it's a little less than an hour until tip off of the Duke-Wisconsin basketball game and I'm just now posting this. I forwarded "J.D.'s" email to a couple of folks I know who are originally from Madison, Wisconsin. Their reaction was "why is this guy from Richmond, Va. trolling the Madison, Wisconsin version of Craigslist?". Good question. Anyway, if you're watching the Duke-UW game tonight, look for the guy who placed the following ad.

Wanted: UW vs. Duke tix so I can stick my a** in Coach K's face - $1 (Madison, WI)

Seeking two tickets to the Dec. 2 UW mens' basektball game vs. Duke. Would prefer tickets somewhere in the lower level and near the team benches. I figure if I can get a seat close enough, I can at some point sneak down to the Duke bench, drop trou, and stick my hairy crack in Coach K's face. I've been wanting to do this for quite some time, so anyone who can help facilitate the dream on a budget would be most generous. I figure if there's one guy in the world who deserves to have a hairy, sweaty ass stuck in his face, it's Coach K. After all, he's been turning out team after team of cocky, whitebread under-achievers for the last two decades, and it's time someone showed him how the rest of the country feels about his brand of basketball.

When I say "budget," I should clarify that I can't afford your over-inflated mark-up if you're looking to make a buck on your seats. Sorry. But I have to figure in the cost of an indecent exposure/public disturbance citation into the cost, plus whatever I will have to buy my wife as an apology for my antics.

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