New TV series today, for the fans of Steven Seagal. A reality series that follows action star Steven Seagal’s adventures as a fully-commissioned deputy with the Jefferson Parish Sheriff’s Office in Louisiana.
S01E01: The Way of the Gun
Sheriff’s Deputy Steven Seagal and his team capture an armed carjacker after a high-speed chase and tackle a convicted felon packing a pistol. In between these impressive busts, Seagal, the world-class marksman, teaches a fellow team member amazing Zen shooting techniques–techniques everyone on his team will need to survive the dangerous streets of Jefferson Parish, Louisiana.
S01E02: Too Young to Die
Steven and his team get a call to the scene of car accident involving a two-year-old but they discover that things aren’t quite what they seem. Later, Steven shows some tough-love to a teenager hiding a deadly sawed-off shotgun. While off-duty, Steven visits the New Orleans Children’s Hospital cancer ward and is so touched by the kids that he straps on his blues guitar and throws a benefit concert to raise money for the hospital.
Links: Official Site –
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