Saturday, December 5, 2009

Get Taylor Swift Tickets at Gillette Stadium Swift has just announced that she’ll be visiting Gillette Stadium in Foxboro, MA on June 5, 2010.

The tickets available at $115 are just a small sampling of the tickets we have available for Taylor Swift at the Gillette Stadium.

Note: if this particular seat has sold, there are many other tickets which you can choose from in similar price ranges.

Get your discounted Taylor Swift Tickets at Gillette Stadium in Foxboro, MA from Cheap Tickets and save 5% instantly at the checkout by using code CHEAP.

Taylor Swift’s Fearless Tour has featured her playing 5 different guitars and the piano. All of the music heard at her concerts comes from stories in her head. She even has a fairy tale castle on stage with over 1 million lumens. No one knows if she’ll change anything for the newly announced tour, but one things for sure, Taylor Swift can really put on a show like no other.

For your cheap Taylor Swift tickets in Foxboro, MA at the Gillette Stadium, please go to:

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