Saturday, December 5, 2009

Looking for Melodee Hanes Photo ?

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It’s not easy finding a Melodee Hanes photo out there. She’s not particularly a public person (despite living with Sentaor Max Baucus) and so hasn’t appeared in any of the usual public databases of images.

However, we have been able to find a Melodee Hanes picture for you: it’s just that we don’t own the copyright to it. So, rather than steal it (as just about everyone else seems to do) we’ll refer you to it.

The Melodee Hanes photo can be seen here, at the Billings Gazette. As you can see from the picture, Ms. Hanes is an attractive redhead.

The picture of Melodee Hanes was taken just as she was leaving the Deputy County Attorney job to join the re-election campaign of Senator Max Baucus.

We are told,(and have absolutely no reason to doubt what we’ve been told) that Ms. Hanes and the Senator did not hook up until 2008, long after both of them had already divorced.


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