Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Heidi Klum - Victoria's Secret Fashion Show 2009 (Photos)

Heidi Klum pictured at the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show for 2009 that airs on Monday, December 1st below. Supermodel and mom Heidi Klum has vowed to stop having kids just six weeks after the birth of her fourth child. The Victoria’s Secret model revealed her new tattoo to mark the arrival of daughter Lou, and said she was considering adding a ‘stop sign’ at the end.
Heidi Klum - Victoria's Secret Fashion Show 2009 (Image: Splash News)
Heidi Klum - Victoria's Secret Fashion Show 2009 (Image: Splash News)

"The shop is closed," she told US chat show host Jimmy Kimmel. "I have tattoos of my children. I just got the star for my little Lou. I was thinking I should put a stop sign there next to it now.

"Leni, Henry, Johan, Lou and a stop sign right here. The swirly stuff is my husband." Klum, 36, made her ‘no more babies’ announcement after having three children in just four years with husband Seal.


While four-year-old Henry was born in September 2005, three-year-old Johan followed in November 2006 and Lou arrived on October 9 this year. Klum also has another daughter, Helene – known as Leni, from a previous relationship with Flavio Briatore.

More Victoria's Secret Fashion Show 2009 Photos Here

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