Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Kylie Bisutti Becomes Victoria's Secret's Newest Angel

Kate Lord

Californian Kylie Bisutti was crowned the latest Victoria's Secret angel on the lingerie company's televised runway show Tuesday night, ending months of competition among women across the country vying to be the next lingerie superstar.

Bisutti, 19, of Simi Valley, Calif., strutted her stuff down the runway alongside models Miranda Kerr, Marisa Miller and Selita Ebanks, earning her wings and a spot on the Victoria's Secret roster after a nationwide vote won her the competition.

Supermodel and "Project Runway" guru Heidi Klum also made an appearance on the Victoria's Secret runway, serving both as host and model when she rocked a fairy-like outfit and "made it work" on the catwalk. Klum, who gave birth last month, showed off her new post-baby body in the revealing getup.

Marisa Miller wore the famous $3 million diamond bra during the show, walking wearing the black, studded garment that's become a tradition in the Victoria's Secret collection.

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