Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Tiger Woods Divorce: Elin Nordegren Leaving Tiger Woods

The Fat Lady has sung: Elin Nordegren Woods is pulling the plug on her nearly six-year union to “Athlete of the Decade” Tiger Woods, per numerous media reports Wednesday. The 29-year-old Swedish-born former model has confided to pals that her marriage to the pro golfer is “irrevocably broken” and she will indeed be filing for divorce.


A source close to Woods’ wife told ABC this afternoon: “Divorce is 100 percent on. She’s not rushing to divorece, however. She’s going to take her sweet time. She wants all the dirty laundry to be out on the table before she signs anything.”

In new photos snapped this week, Elin was photographed without her wedding ring.

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1 comments: on "Tiger Woods Divorce: Elin Nordegren Leaving Tiger Woods"

Anonymous said...

Check Out

"THE Ballad Of Tiger (Cheetah)Woods"
